Friday, October 11, 2013

Quiet pages 97 - 129 Reading Questions

There are times when I'm doing the reading that I get so into it that I forget to take notes and create questions as I go.  Having said that, after reading this section, I am fighting the urge to go hang out at my friends house and do experiments on her newborn son.  Anyway, I don't have a ton of questions for this week's short reading, but as always feel free to make suggestions.


What has helped you as an introvert to overcome your introversion?  If you aren't an introvert, but you know one, what have you seen work for them?

Have you seen evidence in yourself or others that being an intro/extrovert is a part of their nature?

On page 104 they discuss how companies like Disney reinforce the stereotype of what an introvert looks like.  Do you find when you imagine what and intro/extrovert looks like you have a stereotype in mind?

Have you ever seen outside factors influence whether or not someone will grow into an intro/extrovert?

Do you agree with Kagan that there are many routes to becoming an intro/extrovert?

Do you agree with Cain that given the right environment while growing up a child can change the temperament they were born with?

Can you think of someone you know who has found ways to become an extrovert despite their nature introversion tendency?  Did it work or is it really just a façade?

Schwartz's research shows that we can stretch ourselves but only up until a point.  Do you agree with this? (p117)

Cain gives several examples of how introverts can learn to find their comfort levels in social situations while allowing themselves time to decompress.  Do you think that now you will begin to learn to play the "sweet-spot game" in order to be more comfortable in your surroundings?

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