Friday, December 27, 2013

The Cradle

My November book with the student book group was The Cradle.  This is one of those books that I'd never heard of but ended up liking.  One of the things that I like to do with my students is at some point have them come up with the questions.  With this being the third time we've met they were ready for a chance at being the questioners.  What I like to do is pass around note cards and have them write down questions then I will ask them.  That way all the pressure isn't on them!

Here are their questions:

- Did you like Marissa? Why?  Why not?
- Do you think Matt was raped as a child?
- Anyone else find the timeline wibbly-wobbly?
- How did you feel about the timeline in the story?  Confusing?  Kept you reading and interested?
- Did anyone realize that Renee's parts were during a different time period right away?  When did you realize?
- Do you think Matt's mom will go to meet him sometime?
- Why did Marissa never ask about what happened to the Cradle?
- I don't know if the book answered this but why do you think the Dad wasn't upset about Caroline leaving?

And a few of mine:
- Do you ever do like Marissa does and do little things to apologize or try to make something right?
- Do you find it interesting that she calls her readers her "army?"
- Is Matt on a Greek odyssey?

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